Stellar Evolution Modelling

Project page for studies of stellar evolution.

Project Members


Data Files

Note that part of the data sets provided below may be preliminary and that part of them could change without notice.
We would appreciate if you contact us before using the data on this site for your publications.

Rotating presupernova models from Heger, Langer, & Woosley (2000)

Non-rotating pre-supernova models from Woosley, Heger, Weaver (2002)

Magnetic rotating presupernova models from Heger, Woosley, & Spruit (2004)

More data files will become available on this site in the future.
Please contact us if your require additional data files or output quantities.



The movies are composed from a series of Kippenhahn Diagrams, i.e., stellar structure as a function of time, which vary one parameter of the star. All sequences use the same color coding:

/// convection
XXX semiconvection

net nuclear energy generation (burning plus neutrino losses) in erg g-1 s-1
<10-1 >10-1 >10 0 >10 1 >10 2 >10 3 >10 4 >10 5 >10 6 >10 7 >10 8 >10 9 >1010 >1011 >1012 >1013 >1014

net nuclear energy loss (burning plus neutrino losses) in erg g-1 s-1
>-10-1 <-10-1 <-10 0 <-10 1 <-10 2 <-10 3 <-10 4 <-10 5 <-10 6 <-10 7 <-10 8 <-10 9 <-1010 <-1011 <-1012 <-1013 <-1014

A sample image explaning the different burning stages.

How to play the movies.


Mass grids for different metallicity

The movies shown here are based on a preliminary test study by A. Heger and S.E. Woosley for an extended new grid of nucleosynthesis in massive stars.

The last 100,000 yr of the inner 10 solar masses of a massive star.
metallicity fine grid reduced grid
(animated gif) (mpeg-1) (animated gif) (mpeg-1)
solar 2.1 MByte 3.4 MByte 441 kByte 842 kByte
10-4 solar 4.3 MByte 5.5 MByte 896 kByte 1.3 MByte

The whole life of a massive star.
metallicity fine grid reduced grid large grid
(animated gif) (mpeg-1) (animated gif) (mpeg-1) (animated gif) (mpeg-1)
solar 3.9 MByte 7.2 MByte 811 kByte 1.7 MByte --- ---
10-4 solar 7.9 MByte 14 MByte 1.6 MByte 3.2 MByte 15 MByte 29 MByte


C12(a,g) rate study

The movies shown here are based on a thesis project by M.M. Boyes
in collaboration with A. Heger and S.E. Woosley.

The movies magnify the evolution of the helium core starting at end of central helium burning till core collapse.

Movies by Alexander Heger
(solar masses)
fine grid reduced grid
(animated gif) (mpeg-1) (mpeg-1)
15 2.2 MByte 2.6 MByte 737 kByte
20 2.2 MByte 2.6 MByte 750 kByte
25 2.2 MByte 2.7 MByte 744 kByte


Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the NSF (AST-9731569, INT-9726315), NASA (NAG5-8128), the DOE (B347885, W-7405-ENG-48), the DOE SciDAC program (DE-FC02-01ER41176), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (FLF-1065004).

Alexander Heger
Monday, 05-Dec-2011 22:55:31 AEDT