Project page for studies of X-Ray Bursts.
Below we provide preliminary data sets. Note that
part of this
data is not yet published in refereed journals and thus may be updated
without notice.
We would appreciate if
you contact us before using the data on this site for your
Data files will become available on this site in the future.
Please contact us if you require any data files or output quantities.
Some animations showning nuclear-powered oscillations in accreting neutron stars, Heger, Cumming, and Woosley (submitted to ApJ).
All the movies are in the movie directory. Please read the readme.txt file before loading movies and animations, some are so large they may crash your computer.
Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the NSF (AST-9731569, INT-9726315), NASA (NAG5-8128), the DOE (B347885, W-7405-ENG-48), the DOE SciDAC program (DE-FC02-01ER41176), and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (FLF-1065004), and by the DOE under grant B341495 to the Center for Astrophysical Flashes at the University of Chicago and under contract W-7405-ENG-36 to the Los Alamos National Laborartory. |
Alexander Heger Monday, 05-Dec-2011 22:49:33 AEDT |