Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars
Nucleosynthesis Data from Rauscher, Heger, Hoffman, & Woosley (2002)

Below we provide preliminary data sets. Note that part of this data is not yet published in refereed journals and thus may be updated without notice.
We would appreciate if you contact us before using the data on this site for your publications.

Run names explained

To uniquely identity the different runs on this page we use our "internal" naming convention rather than that used in various papers. We hope this is not a major inconvenience for you. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question.

The run mames have the following general structure:



Below we give a brief matrix of model and how there were refenced in publications:

internal name Rauscher et al. (2002)
s15a28c S15
s19a28g S19
s20a28n S20
s21a28g S21
s25a28d S25
s25a28j S25P
s15a30c N15
s20a30n N20
s25a30d N25
s25a32d H25

List of the explosion models:

internal name explosion model / result
s15...c Ekin = 1.2 foe
s19...g Ekin = 1.2 foe / 0.1 Msun 56Ni
s20...n 0.1 Msun 56Ni
s21...g 0.1 Msun 56Ni
s25...d 0.1 Msun 56Ni
s25...j 0.2 Msun 56Ni
Ekin = 1.2 foe
Ekin = 2.0 foe
Ekin = 0.6 foe
(Note: 1 foe = ten to the power of fifity-one ergs)

List of reaction rate sets / studies:

internal name reation rate set ivspecl
...a27. RATH + suggested rate for Ne22(a,n) from KAE 2
...a28. RATH + KAE lower limit Ne22(a,n) rate (HWW) 0
...a29. RATH + CF88 Ne22(a,n) rate 4
...a30. RATH + NACRE 1
...a31. RATH + NACRE with high Ne22(a,n) rate 3
...a32. HWW coprocessing ("490" isotope network, bdat921) 0
...a33. RATH + JAE Ne22(a,n) rate 6
...a34. RATH + JAE Ne22(a,n) high rat 8
...a35. RATH + JAE Ne22(a,n) low rate 10
...a36. NACRE + improved fit for high Ne22(a,n) rate 5
...a37. NACRE + KAE lower limit Ne22(a,n) rate (HWW) 7
...a38. RATH + JAE Ne22(a,n) rate, but no (a,g) 12
...a39. RATH + no Ne22(a,n) rate, but KAE low "standard" (a,g) 14
...a40. RATH + no O16(n,g) (modified bdat file) 0
...a41. RATH + Fe59(n,g) rate reduced by 2 (modified bdat file) 0


Data sets


Explosion of Model s25a28d including updated neutrino nucleosynthesis.

content animated gif MPEG-1 AVI
bulk 6.9 MByte 4.5 MByte 8.8 MByte
all 21 MByte 18 MByte 30 MByte
radioactivities 5.0 MByte 8.0 MByte ---
19F 4.6 MByte 7.9 MByte ---
g-process 2.5 MByte 4.5 MByte 5.8 MByte
138La 2.3 MByte 4.4 MByte 5.3 MByte
180Ta 2.6 MByte 4.9 MByte 5.8 MByte


Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the NSF (AST-9731569, INT-9726315), NASA (NAG5-8128), the DOE (B347885, W-7405-ENG-48, W-7405-ENG-36), the DOE SciDAC Program (DE-FC02-01ER41176), the Swiss National Science Foundation (2124-055832.98, 2000-061822.00) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (FLF-1065004).

Alexander Heger
Tuesday, 23-Oct-2007 09:15:00 AEST